According to Jason Morey, the president of Brookwood Landscape & Stonework, this is Phase Three of the Spring Clean TO DO LIST or shall we say Sping TLC for your Yard.
Check out our previous blog posts The Spring Clean TO DO LIST Phase One & Phase Two on our Blog Page of our web site.

Now it’s time to make sure that your lawn is well raked. So, you are thinking: “Wait a minute, I raked my yard in the Fall. Why do I have to rake my yard again in the Spring?”
Giving a good thorough raking to your lawn in the Spring is like making sure you use an anti-dandruff shampoo if you have flakes on your scalp. It’s a proactive measure. Giving your lawn a careful raking after the winter is an important preventative strategy.
Lawn thatch is a condition that exists everywhere there is grass, but it is particularly prevalent in the colder regions of the country after the snow has melted. If you want to understand more about how this condition can ruin the health of your lawn and how to treat this problem, check out our previous blog post on our Blog Page.

Before you jump into planting flowers, shrubs or trees, it is equally important to prepare beds and turn the soil over to make sure the beds are aerated. Remove all non-desired vegetation, split all perennials and then use a spade, shovel or tiller to dig into the soil. To make this job easier, make sure the soil is damp, but not soaking wet.
The final step is to add excellent quality compost packed with nutrients followed by mixing in some really good planting soil. This will ensure that the base soil of your beds will provide a solid, healthy foundation for your summer planting.
Lastly, make sure to freshen up the edges of your beds. Do this with an edging tool. The end result will look clean and will prevent unwanted weeds or stray grass from creeping into the beds.

Depending on the amount of land around your home, Phase Three of the Spring Clean TO DO LIST could entail at least a weekend worth of work and potentially weekends worth of heavy labor, but it you don’t have the inclination then bring on Brookwood Landscape do the work for you.
Call Brookwood Landscaping at: (978) 777- 0400 if you don’t have the time to properly prepare and maintain your lawn and grounds surrounding your home. Or schedule an appointment for a complimentary consultation through the Brookwood Landscaping and Maintenance Web Site at: https://brookwoodlandscaping.com/contact/